
My focus is on improving your organisation’s performance though better strategy and organisation design.

Is your organisation struggling with poor performance or low levels of customer satisfaction? Are you having difficulty in winning new customers and then retaining their business?

Perhaps you are finding it difficult to develop your strategy in these uncertain and changing conditions? Or in successfully executing your strategy once it is agreed?

In many cases, these problems are caused by a combination of:

• a strategy process that doesn’t effectively accommodate the uncertainty and change in your environment
• an organisation design and structure that doesn’t support or leverage the intended strategy
• a culture and leadership approach that isn’t aligned with the market conditions and strategy

I specialise in developing strategy for the future – with a particular focus on organisations operating in conditions of great uncertainty and change. I also assist you to design and build your organisation so that it executes and even leverages the intended strategy. And together, we create a powerful level of strategic alignment that ensures that leadership, culture and strategy are focused on achieving superior performance in the markets you face.

Have a look at the video on this page – it outlines my approach to working with you and your organisation. And download any of the free resources that you find on the other pages of my website.